Yongchao Fu

This is the blog site of Yongchao Fu. I am an application engineer in Phoenix software working at Tri-ibiotech. It is very troublesome for my graduate school to write in English, so I won’t write it here. So far I have an officially released R language package “guiplot”, but there is no officially published paper. I have used VBA to write some useful programs for internal use in the company, and I have published some product application case articles on the company’s website. This is my first time making a website and writing a blog. This is just a personal interest. If you are a newcomer in the field of pharmacokinetics, reading my blog may help you learn about pharmacokinetics.

这是付永超的个人主页。我于2013年毕业于不知名院校河南牧业经济学院(同年自考本科毕业于河南科技大学), 目前就职于源资信息科技,担任Phoenix产品经理一职。 我喜欢折腾软件,也喜欢折腾代码,本站是我第一次折腾网站,希望能够坚持下去。 我有一个正式发布的R语言程序包"guiplot",没有正式发表的论文,制作过一些供公司内部使用的VBA程序,和一些发表在公司网站上的Phoenix应用案例文章。 该网站是我第一次尝试折腾网站和写博客的实现,这仅为个人兴趣爱好,如果读者你是药物代谢动力学领域的新人,阅读我的博客可能对你学习药物代谢动力学有帮助。 业余时间喜好读书看报,但阅读量有限。。。。,经常会乱翻各种论坛,比如丁香园、Certara user forums、bebac、小木虫、经管之家、ExcelHome、以及一些其他的论坛。 生活:宅,嗜甜,嗜辣,易于快速沉迷于某事(小说、电视剧、游戏、逛论坛、码代码、跑模型等)。